EDI@T Initiatives

Unconscious bias training

Unconscious biases prevent us from seeing fairly and accurately the information or the people in front of us.

Workplace Concerns

Our aim is to help researchers and staff at Tanz CRND become aware of the policies and guidance; and to create Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive workplace environment.

Creating Safe Space / Accessibility

Tanz members should feel safe working in the lab, and there should be no physical barriers to work at Tanz CRND. Ongoing Project to automate door entry to write-up area, wet-lab area and washroom

Positive Space campaign

To create a welcoming and inclusive community that is free of discrimination regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Community engagement

We believe that supporting scientific outreach is one of the ways in which we can live out our values in EDI while supporting and inspiring young scientists in the community.

Surveys to solicit community views on EDI issues at Tanz CRND

October 2022 Survey conducted indicate 29% experienced unwelcome comment(s), and 11% experienced discrimination at Tanz CRND. Of the Tanz members who experienced discrimination, only 39% felt they have the confidence to pursue remediation.

Food Insecurity

Introduce Tanz Community Pantry to help reduce food waste by sharing with other Tanz members who will make productive use of it.

Trainee Mentorship Program

To provide mentorship to Tanz researchers.

Professional Development

Tanz researchers are eligible for interview preparation and professional headshot photos - please contact: crnd.edi@utoronto.ca 

Staff Recruitment

To place EDI initiatives to Tanz recruitment.